What About Your Phone …

I have heard it argued that the best camera is the one you have with you. Your phone is always handy. The photograph you take is always superior to the one you didn’t take. I have a friend who has an excellent eye for composition who has embraced this absolutely and doesn’t own a real camera. His instagram page has some very nice photographs of fungi. And, not only fungi … but well … mainly fungi.

If you use your photos on social media the image quality is good enough most of the time and getting better. I use my phone sometimes (more often to take photos than to make phone calls in fact) and I have published some of them on this blog. It’s a Samsung. It does an OK job of macro (flowers, corals, dinosaur footprints. Not insects) and a pretty good daytime landscape. It fills in the short end when I’m wandering far and wide with a bloody great telephoto. It wouldn’t meet my requirements for night photography or for birds.

Could you take a phone as your safari camera? Professor Mo (Honeybadger) Donelly did and was kind enough to share. These are some of her photos (all rights reserved) …

These are nice photos, certainly good enough when they pop up in her Facebook feed next year to bring back a flood of good memories. They were shot on an iPhone 13 pro.

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